awake at the crack of dawn...

SO I found myself awakened this morning by the blare of the living room tv, and my hubby's alarm going off telling him to get up and go deer hunting, which so far he is ignoring. He is behind on sleep though! I fell asleep in a long sleeve shirt and was hot and sweaty as well! Of course, that could be due to the fact that my three little girls, were piled on top of me and around me in the bed. Sometimes I don't know how I sleep LOL with a 9 year old, a 7 year old, and my 5 year old wrapped around me like pretzels....but I wouldn't have it any other way! ;)
Today is opening day at the pumpkin patch, so I hope it doesn't rain. I hope I actually get a customer that wants their picture taken too! But as with anything, only time will tell! I'm sure I will still get some shots of my own kids! Here is your picture of the morning! Enjoy!